Sunday, November 4, 2007


Oh my. How lame can I be? I thought it would be at least a double digit day that I would come to the table with nothing, absolutely nothing, but here I am at day 7 and I have zip. Nada. Nothing. The big goose egg. Crap. I did try stream of consciousness typing but it all turned out to be a giant rant about work and I can't have work frustration mucking up the blog. It serves no real purpose because nothing changes. Then I decided to make a list: 10 things I would make into law if I were queen of the universe. As I started to make the list, it seemed like most of the items had to do with electrically shocking certain segments of the population into modifying their behavior. Republicans, teenagers that roll their eyes, parents who are habitually late picking their kids up from school, any female who wears low cut tight jeans so that stray flesh oozes out in unflattering ways, Kenny G. Up the voltage on that. That list, very one dimensional. Perhaps recording the day---lovely stroll through the UNF nature trails that was only interrupted once by a three year old bossing his parents around (another one to add to the high voltage list). The sunlight was making the all those fantail scrub palms look absolutely exotic. Although the trail right by the lake made me nervous because it's just like me not to enjoy such a scenic little vista. No, I was scanning the water closest to us, trying to plan for the swiftest escape if one, most likely a mutant sized alligator with a four foot vertical leap should choose that moment to make an abrupt appearance. Our ride home from our daylong self exile was uneventful. No one flying a little American flag was camped on our front yard as I had feared. There were some late afternoon flyovers by the Blue Angels and I could have sworn I saw one of those guys giving me the finger as the windows in the living room rattled. There was nothing to do except put the kettle on for tea, wait for the whistling, pour and steep and eat with a cookie. Truth be told, the tea and cookie time at home soothes all ills, calms the any fear and leaves me with a good taste in my mouth. And for today, that was enough.


LJ said...

Your constituional through UNF and your tea and cookies made this post very Eeenglish. Kristin Scott Thomas will play you in the movie.

MJ said...

Self-exile from home is weird, isn't it? I think it makes you appreciate it more when you go back.

Where's your Write Now book? Pick an exercise when you've got nothing. Maybe?